Tech Term of the Month - January 2024: Augmented Reality

Posted by Conner Williams | Jan 17, 2024
#technology #education
Tech Term of the Month - January 2024:  Augmented Reality

Have you ever used the "see it in your space" feature when shopping for furniture or other items online? Or maybe played the popular mobile game Pokémon Go? If so, then you've experienced augmented reality (AR) firsthand. AR is the result of using technology to superimpose computer-generated graphics or environments in which to interact with or become immersed.

Typically, smartphone and tablet cameras are the medium through which AR is used. For example, some shopping websites can access your device's camera to show you what a piece of furniture or appliance would look like in your home. However, this tech isn't limited to handheld device cameras - some modern cars have heads-up-displays (HUDs) that can project the vehicle's speed, RPMs, and other information right onto the windshield above the dash, allowing drivers to see relevant information without taking their eyes off the road. Additionally, tech companies like Google and Meta continue to develop wearable AR devices, like glasses, that allow users to see certain information overlayed onto the world around them through the lenses, another example of a HUD.

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